No financial institution can pretend to have the best solution every time. They are tied to using their own products even if the market may be able to offer much better. The only way to offer the best advice, solutions and products is to work completely independently of any financial or insurance institution.
As Independent Financial Advisers, we offer professional, independent advice on financial matters such as retirement planning, income protection, property and more. We don’t represent any specific insurance or financial company which means that we recommend suitable financial products from the market in its entirety to best suit our client’s circumstances and needs.
Basically, our qualified advisors will conduct a detailed survey of the client’s personal, financial situation, needs and objectives, utilising thorough financial tools. This allows us to highlight the client’s possible shortfall in a particular area that could be improved. Our expert will then recommend appropriate action and the best suitable international financial product to match the client’s needs.
Free financial consultation
Enjoy unbiased, comprehensive financial advice from our highly qualified and regulated team. Our first meeting is always free of charge and always guarantees added value. At Nautilus Gestion, we are always pleased to welcome you to our office and share our knowledge with you. Your financial success is our duty.
*Mandatory fields
Nautilus Gestion is the leading financial advisory group catering for the European expatriates. We offer expatriate financial advice and expat financial services.
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Lumphini, 10330 Bangkok, Thailand
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50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Paris Office (Admin) 140B rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris, France
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